Thursday, August 22, 2013

I want faith.

Lately, I have had to make very strict decisions within my walk with Christ. I have come to a place where I no longer can question rather God is moving or not. So in a sense I am trying to say that I am striding to have total and complete faith in God and what better way to do this besides to model my walk to the one of Abraham. Its easy for us compared to what Abraham ultimately had to endure. The weight of building this great nation of God’s chosen in a land that God promised, but did not point where to find. The weight of desperately wanting to be a father and having that desperation come to life only for God to demand it as a sacrifice. (Genesis 22:1-2 1Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. 2Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”) I can’t help, but to think of God himself actually sacrificing his one and only son for us and the representation of who God was through Abraham. He didn’t have the guidance of Christ word and spirit that we do as a GPS, but only faith that God was love and truth. I here men and women say they could never give up there one and only son. Abraham was pure human living within the same flesh from the fall as us all and easily would have gave Isaac back to God. He was not insane, but in love with God and trusted him. He is truly a hero to me and if I could have a pinch of the faith he had I would be content, but unfortunately I have loose wires. I was raised in a “YOLO” kind of culture and it's a job within itself to build barriers between me and the world so that I can see through the world and into the eyes of Christ. And these barriers are built from faith and that is why I stride to in vision God the way Abraham did. I want nothing more than to please the father and to have faith to move mountains. Amen.