Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why do we conquer? Introduction

For years I wondered why God intended to punish his own creation, as a young boy church scared me to death. We would sing Jesus loves me yes I know for the bible tells me so, but then some old man would yell that we were gonna go to hell if we kept sinning. Even as a young boy I struggled with how to not sin and how hard it is to not do so. How could Jesus love me for who I am, but expect me to become a completely perfect being? Truth is I was misled, by a so called preacher who's theology was his own and based off the fact he quit being a drunkard. I'm convinced that hating gays and being against everything different qualifies you to be a pastor in my hometown. Though, my own thoughts and ideas are not concrete, I am not expressing them so that you may express yours in the same, but so that you may understand me as a Christian and as a person who has seen one to many people hurt by the Christian Church. When I first decided to throw myself into the world of the book of revelation I had mentioned to a friend my desire to do so and his response was as so "your getting into some pretty scary stuff". The response I expected to hear,  but instead of it being this scary book that no one wants to read because of the thought of punishment to all of humanity. I wanted to give a more practical and creative look into it. And In fact, those thoughts are very mere, God does not want to punish us, but justify a world deceived many years ago. If a building is taken over by termites what do most people do? They burn it down and start again. Before burning it down you usually go through a process of hiring the right people, making sure permits are set, that valuable items and even un valuable items have been accounted for. Then you burn it down, but not with intentions to harm anything besides the poor creatures who will adventually destroy your home anyways. God has a process as well, he also has his own sense of time, I truly believe that things are partaking at this very moment amongst the earth, but not amongst a dimension that we can always see. A couple thousand years ago I believe a man name John was invited to glimpse into this dimension. My challenge to you though is to go look for yourself in the book of revelation. Find what it is to you. My desire by writing is not to tell you what the book is or to tell you about the book, but to show you that theres nothing wrong with thinking outside the box. 
And I will begin with revelation chap 6:1-2, the first line John has already claimed to see Jesus, he refers to him as Lamb, just a curious thought, many biblical scholars have opened up the possibility that The Apostle John was not the author of the book, but maybe another leader by the name of John was. As you can see by the first line John is speaking of Jesus as if he only has known
of him not to have actually knew him. The Apostle John made it very clear that he was the most beloved disciple of Jesus. It seems strange that he would speak of him in a manner that I would if I were to be watching Jesus do something. Just a thought I suppose, but I suppose seeing him in all of his glory could mean he really was seeing him all over for the first time. Please enjoy! 

1And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

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